Watercolour Art Classes
6th March 2023
Tutor/s: Wanda Driscoll
Date: 6th March 2023
Time: 9:30 am (starting with Morning Tea) till 2.00 pm
Venue: 7 Lee Street, Kelso
Limited to 12 participants
- Booking Fee $15 per week for members,
- $20 per week for non-members (includes morning tea)
Booking Essential – contact tutor or Email
Payment to secure your booking :
- Reliance Bank
- BSB: 882-000
- A/C: 100113082
- Reference: Your name and the date of the workshop you are attending Bring your own gear (contact tutor for requirements)
To Bring:
- Apron
- Hand Towel
- Lunch
- Wanda mobile to register your interest and to get more details Facebook